Spotify Shuts Down Live Audio App to Focus on Mainstream Platform

Frederick Jones


Spotify Shuts Down Live Audio App to Focus on Mainstream Platform

Spotify has announced that it is discontinuing its live streaming app, Spotify Live. This comes as a surprise to many of its loyal users who had come to rely on the service for engaging with artists and hosting virtual listening parties. The move underscores how competitive the live audio space is becoming and how difficult it can be for new entrants to gain traction in this market.

Launched in June 2021, Spotify Live aimed to compete with popular audio-chat apps like Clubhouse by offering users the ability to record conversations or listen along with other participants. It also allowed people to host virtual listening parties where top fans could connect directly with their favorite artists. However, despite some initial enthusiasm for the app, it failed to gain much traction in comparison with more established competitors such as Clubhouse and Twitter’s Spaces feature.

In a statement released by a spokesperson from Spotify, Gayle Gaviola Moreau confirmed that they plan on “sunsetting” the app since “it no longer makes sense as a standalone product." She added that although they are shutting down their own platform for hosting audio conversations between fans and musicians, they would still offer similar features within their main app, such as listening parties and potentially other interactive capabilities through partnerships or acquisitions of smaller companies in this space.

The closure of Spotify Live highlights how crowded this niche market has become over recent months and serves as an example of how difficult it can be for even large players like Spotify to break into new areas without running into significant competition from more established rivals such as Clubhouse. Despite having much larger user bases than these services, though, ultimately, it appears that consumers simply weren't ready yet for another standalone live streaming platform at this time – at least not one run by an already well-established player like Spotify was hoping they would be when launching spotifyLive last year.

Ultimately then, while most loyal users will likely feel disappointed about having lost access to one of their favorite ways of connecting with artists online through SpotifyLive – there may still be hope yet if smaller acquisitions or partnerships are pursued aggressively by them going forward, which allow them further explore opportunities within this growing space without facing too much direct competition from pre-existing platforms currently dominating today's market share.
