Epic Games Collaborates with IARC to Implement Age Ratings on Fortnite Creations

Eleanor Lee


Epic Games Collaborates with IARC to Implement Age Ratings on Fortnite Creations

Epic Games, the developer behind the successful battle royale game Fortnite, has announced its collaboration with the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) to introduce age and content ratings to all of its in-game creations. This significant move scheduled for November seeks to ensure a safe and enjoyable playing environment for all users within the gaming community.

The official announcement on October 3 revealed that every gameplay piece, both first and third, within Fortnite, will have to adhere to internationally recognized age and content ratings beginning from November 14. The necessity of an IARC-issued rating for anything published within the battle royale game signifies Epic's increased focus on maintaining user safety whilst gaming.

Epic stated that implementing these new rules is "a critical step toward building a metaverse that is safe and fun for everyone." The age and content ratings will give players better insight into the suitability of the content before they engage in the game. This move underlines Epic Games' commitment to creating and maintaining a secure playing atmosphere while still promoting creativity and community connection.

To facilitate the implementation of this system, Epic Games provides a detailed outline of the process. As stated in the announcement, creators wishing to publish their Fortnite islands will need to complete the IARC content rating questionnaire before their contents are submitted for moderation and eventual publishing. The rating system will be available to creators on the Creator Portal from October 16, enabling them ample time to get their islands rated. Epic also mentions that from November 14, any unrated islands will be delisted.

In conclusion, this collaboration between Epic Games and IARC is a significant leap forward in ensuring a safer and more secure environment for all Fortnite players. Ensuring each creation within the game undergoes an age and content rating process will give players the necessary information on the suitability of the content while reinforcing Epic's commitment to safe gameplay.
